Sylvie Fox discusses her new release, Ready For Her Cameo

15 Nov 2017

By Sylvie Fox

One day an author emails me. She’s one of those friends with a million good ideas, so I tend to drop whatever I’m doing and listen.

In her email she proposes a great project. How about a mysterious cameo appearing in multiple books sparking off a romance?

The idea got under my skin and I ran with it. Even coming up with a little poem etched on the back of the jewelry that we could all use.

Love has this jet to which she clings

With ivory and circling locks about

Bone within silver to cast fear out

Love once found has need of no such thing

Set it free on a pair of dauntless wings

For reasons I can’t remember the project never got off the ground, but the idea kept bouncing around in my head popping up every so often. I even started writing the book, only to put it down and work on other more urgent projects.

Fast forward a few years and the #meetcute idea comes along and my first thought was I have to resurrect Sabrina and Henry because their meet cute is lovely. Like other books I’ve written, it all starts with a dog.

Sabrina is a jewelry designer who is on a path to either the greatest high or low of her career. She finds an antique cameo and her life changes in a way she never expected. I can’t wait for readers to discover the magic a cameo can bring. Also a big thanks to my friend who came up with the idea, I had a cameo made for her this summer and sent it as a surprise. I’ll be forever grateful.

Happily, I’m already working on the next book in the series: Cameo Appearance starring none other than Sabrina’s best friend Mona Love.

After you read it, be sure to contact me and let me know what you think. Ready for Her Cameo is available at all retailers


– Sylvie Fox

Get Ready for her Cameo by Sylvie Fox Now


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