This week’s new romance books include Nora Robert’s new release The Liar and a new novel by USA Today bestselling author Colleen Coble. Fans of Sophie Kinsella will be happy to know that Shopaholic to the Stars is now available in paperback. All three of our notable books are also available...
Fans of book by Nora Roberts – rejoice! Between books published under her name and her pseudonym (J.D. Robb), there are five new books coming out by this prolific author in 2015! Ready for more recent releases? Check out our list of Nora Roberts books for 2016. Sign up for...
2015 has already been a pretty bizarre year for cold weather – as we ride out the remaining wintry mixes, use these upcoming romance novels from the first half of the year to warm yourself up! Sign up for our email and we’ll send you a weekly email with the best...