The Story Behind Tangled Threats On The Nomad Highway by MariaLisa deMora
15 Jun 2021
Introductions are in order, I believe! “Hi” I’m MariaLisa deMora, Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author of some of the most engaging MC romance stories you’ll ever read. In my own opinion, of course! 😀 Tangled Threats on the Nomad Highway is a book that was more than two years in the making! It’s book #6 in the MC romance series, Neither This Nor That, and the character Einstein was introduced back in book #4 which released in January 2019. At the end of that book, the story arc placed Einstein in peril. And there he languished for months and months, with readers asking weekly when I would get him out of the house where he’d been shown with the protagonist having the upper hand. The thing about my writing, it’s completely character-driven. This means if a character isn’t willing to talk and tell their story, it just simmers along waiting. Thank goodness Einstein finally had enough waiting! In addition to the characters cooperating, my writing process is fairly typical, I think. Music drives much of the creativity, and once a character begins finding their voice in terms of music, I put together a playlist that then goes on repeat. Einstein’s is on Spotify, and if you search for “Nomad Highway Einstein” you’ll find it easily. Twenty-five songs that embody the journey of the character and story include some popular hits, alongside more eclectic selections! Another part of the process for me seems to be sleep deprivation. No, seriously. My dayjob is intellectually demanding, and I often work 10-12 hours a day. When a story is flowing, however, it doesn’t matter how late I crawl into bed, I’m up at 4:30 a.m. with a mug of java in hand and ready at the keyboard. My goal for every day is to get at least an hour and a half of working on the books. When I was nearing the end of Einstein’s story, he was shoving me out of bed earlier and earlier, and chatting on my commute so I could leave myself audio notes. Man, I LOVE a pushy character! With book #6 releasing for the NTNT series on Monday, I’m really excited that readers have even more stories to choose from! This book is a strong crossover of not two, but three series, tying characters of the NTNT (6 books) alongside the Rebel Wayfarers MC (23 books), as well as the Borderline Freaks MC (4 books). These guys (and gals) have been pushing for a mega-universe for a while, and I’ve produced three true “crossover” stories focused more on individual RWMC characters with a few peeks at some of the other guys. But this is the first time I feel like I can glimpse the potential eventual outcome. Man, does it ever look wild! Want to know more about me? You can check out my website or look me up on Facebook. I love to chat with friends and readers.
MariaLisa deMora is the author of the new book Tangled Threats On The Nomad Highway Connect with MariaLisa deMora
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