STATS = Some Things About Thomas Scott
20 Dec 2023
STATS = Some Things About Thomas Scott
- I am the author of the Virgil Jones Mystery Thriller Series featuring Major Crimes Unit Detective Virgil Jones. (Uh, duh)
- I am a former airline captain, if you can believe that. I flew for Midway Airlines out of Chicago until they went Bravo Uniform back in the early 90’s. Bravo Uniform stands for belly up, by the way.
- After Midway went Bravo Uniform, I took the very prestigious position of Chief Pilot and Director of Flight Operations for a company in northern Indiana. That didn’t work out so well, as you’ll see if you read on.
- As a pilot, I have personally witnessed two major aircraft accidents during my flying career, and when I say I witnessed them, I mean I was right there when they happened. The first one was the basis for book #1 in the Virgil Jones Mystery Thriller Series, State of Anger.
- Actually, I witnessed three major aircraft accidents, not two. I was part of the third one, even though the plane was still on the ground. As a point of fact, the engines weren’t even running. Another fact is this: The plane was still in the hangar. Here’s how the whole thing happened: Like a dope, I slipped and fell on the hangar floor and broke my back. It took six surgeries to get me fixed up, but it ended my career as a pilot when I got hooked to the gills on pain meds. Thanks, big Pharma!
- As it happens, much of the second book in the Virgil Jones Series, State of Betrayal, is based on the aforementioned gills. I know, I know, but what is it they say…write what you know,
write? Uh, right. - I have a painfully dry sense of humor. I am a veritable dustbowl full of laughs, if you will.
- I’ve learned that TSA Agents don’t have any sense of humor (and I mean exactly none) because every time I walk through a metal detector, it sounds like the start of World War III. My spine—or what’s left of it—is essentially held together by a complex arrangement of nuts and bolts. If you saw an X-ray of my back, you’d think I was reassembled by a bunch of drunken monkeys who somehow got ahold of an Erector set, then said, “Directions? We don’t need no stinking directions.”
- That’s it for the aircraft accident / incident stuff, except to say this: As a result of my past position as Director of Flight Ops, I have a Presidential Level clearance with the United States Secret Service. I’m serious. I really do. And now I’m hooked on peanuts, thank you very much Mrs. Carter, may you rest in peace. She was a fine lady, and a wonderful passenger. And in truth, it’s better to be hooked on peanuts than pain meds. Trust me, I know.
- Okay, one last thing about flying…I once heard a Secret Service agent scream like a little girl when we encountered some moderate turbulence. Those guys might be willing to die for the president, (or the First Lady) but don’t give them time to think about it. The Secret Service guy was so upset that after we landed, he literally kissed the ground. No joke. He got down on his hands and knees and let me tell you, he went after it. To be honest, the turbulence was severe, and I kissed the ground as well. I wasn’t going to, but since the guy had a gun and all that, I thought a little solidarity might be in order.
- The ground, believe it or not, isn’t a good kisser. Or maybe I took liberties where I shouldn’t have, and it just didn’t want to kiss back.
- I listen to what my readers say about my stories and my writing. It stands to reason then, that I enjoy hearing from my readers about my stories and my writing. It really is the best part of the whole gig.
- Let’s see…what else? I grew up on a farm in northern Indiana.
- Okay, it wasn’t really a farm…it was ten acres and we raised horses. So, I guess I grew up on a horse ranch in northern Indiana.
- Every time I see a horse I think of a wheelbarrow and pitchfork. (I’ll let you do the math)
- When I was eighteen, I abandoned the wheelbarrow and pitchfork and left for college to learn to fly airplanes. I thought if I never moved back out to the country I’d be the happiest guy on earth.
- Now that I’m older, I’d give up one of my nuts to live out in the country.
- Get your mind out of the gutter, will you? I’m speaking of the nuts which are attached to the bolts in my back.
- If you keep reading my books I may be able to afford to move out to the country, thus saving a writer’s nut. Is that nutty, or is it just me?
- My wife and kids think I’m nuts.
- I’m afraid they’re probably right. Anyhoo, I gotta bolt. Thanks for listening, and enjoy the books if you decide to give them a try. I hope you do because I’m actually quite fond of my…well, you get it.
Thomas Scott is the author of the new book State of Suspense (Virgil Jones Mystery Thriller Series Book 19)
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