News in Books This Week

26 Jun 2015

What has snitches, homosexual penguins, and industry changing developments? Why, this week’s News in Books:

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Authors Paid by Number of Pages Read

Who here is subscribed to Kindle Unlimited? Amazon has announced that it will start paying the authors whose works are offered via Kindle Unlimited by the number of pages a customer reads, instead of per book sold. This turns old publishing tropes (and the sorts of returns an author can expect for their work) on their heads. We are interested to see how this will affect the ever evolving Amazon vs Publishers/ Authors dialogue. Read More ↦

Famous Authors Looking Tough

Obviously authors aren’t meek, they have the courage to submit manuscripts, face rejection, and share their art with the world. But these 20 authors in particular have MORE personality as their characters. China Miéville is our favorite. Feast Your Eyes ↦

The Most Banned Book?

The Good People over at Five Thirty Eight tried to determine the most banned book in the history of the US. They had a hard time finding a definitive answer, but what was the most likely candidate? A children’s book about two male Penguins hatching an egg together Read More ↦

Food Meets Fandom

Get ready to get hungry and check out this list of 25 Harry Potter inspired recipes! Butterbeer ICECREAM!? Perfect for this time of year!  Feast Your Eyes ↦

Additional Goodies

MORE LIBRARY PICTURES. Because, as lovers of books, do we ever get tired of looking at these beautiful compilations of literary art? Feast Your Eyes ↦

Last but not least, let us include the obligatory Buzzfeed list: 19 Things Everyone Who Dates a Book Addict Should Know. Its true.. it’s all so true…  Read More ↦

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Chloe is a Professional Book Nerd. She loves big words, big books, big dogs, and big adventures.