Interview with Tracey Jerald, Author of Free to Wish (Amaryllis Series Book 8)
by grant
in Author Interviews, eBook, News, Romance
05 Oct 2021
What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write Free to Wish? I was inspired by a contest. Free to Wish started off as a short story in the 1,001 Dark Nights Short Story Anthology earlier this year. I was excited to build upon the story once I had the characters in my head. Plus it gave me the opportunity to revisit the Amaryllis universe–something I’d been twitching to do. What’s your favorite scene from your new release, Free to Wish? Absolutely, without question, the bar scene! Finn gets completely snockered in front of Jenna. I had a blast writing it. If you had to write a blurb for the last book you read, what would it say? Bringing accessibility into every aspect of the workplace is a critical component of being not just a success as an individual contributor, but as a leader. What romantic couple from literature makes you swoon? Which one is over-hyped? There are some who wouldn’t categorize it as romance, but I read it at a time in my life where the emotional kick was ridiculously overpowering and likely influenced my need to write about “real” inside my romances. Tennessee Williams–A Streetcar Named Desire– Blanche, Stella, and Stanley. I’m not certain that there is one that’s over-hyped when we’re talking about classics. They’re declared that for a reason. What’s your favorite genre to read? Is it the same as your favorite genre to write? In form or fashion, romance has always been my favorite genre to read. And it is absolutely my favorite genre to write. Do you have any quirky writing habits? Where did you write Free to Wish? One of my quirkiest habits is I can write while walking. So part of Wish was written on my iPhone walking my dog during lunch. Listen, it’s crazy but you have to get your word count in when you can. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? “Structure your attitude for the career you want, not for the job you have today.” My father gave me that advice not long before he died.
Tracey Jerald is the author of the new book Free to Wish (Amaryllis Series Book 8) Connect with Tracey Jerald
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