Interview with T.L. Christianson, Author of Court of Flame and Ashes
15 Dec 2021
What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write Court of Flame and Ashes?
Do you ever come across people that are so compelling that you want to know everything about them? That’s how this story came to be. The main characters of Court of Flame and Ashes – Lyra and Kastian – were first seen in my other series, The Dragon Born Academy, in book 4, Frying Night. Kastian is seen as a selfish prince and Lyra an angry prisoner in his castle. But I knew there was so much more to them. So, here it is, the beginning of their own story!
If you had to pick theme songs for the main characters of Court of Flame and Ashes, what would they be?
I’ve actually made a whole playlist on Spotify titled Court of Flame and Ashes! However, the song that most reminds me of this book would be Tourner Dans Le Vide (Spin into the Void) by Indila. It’s in French, but the lyrics and intense vibe completely capture this book! “Non, ne le jugez pas” – Don’t judge him. A few runners-up would be: Roman Sky by Avenged Sevenfold, It’s Now or Never by DJ Denz the Rooster, Imposible by EMDI HVSH & Shiah Maisel…. Okay, so this whole soundtrack!! 😉
What’s your favorite genre to read? Is it the same as your favorite genre to write?
My go-to reading genre has always been sci-fi and fantasy – bonus if it has romance. It’s in the neighborhood of the genre I write in – but I’ve found that my natural writing voice puts me squarely in the new adult / young adult (fantasy/sci-fi) genre.
What books are on your TBR pile right now?
My TBR is almost 2K… so I’m a bit backed up. However, right now, I’m reading Fortune’s Pawn by Rachel Bach, and Dhakhar, by Annabelle Rex.
What scene in your book was your favorite to write?
Shhhh… that scene is actually a spoiler. However, I can tell you what I adored writing about: the crazy, stupid magnetism between Lyra and Kastian. Their hearts and heads are leading them in different directions. Both fight their connection to the other in their own ways, which is always fun to unfold.
Do you have any quirky writing habits? (lucky mugs, cats on laps, etc.)
LOL… I have a tiny, keychain Kakao friend (like a squishmallow) that I wedge under my monitor. I picked him up in Seoul, South Korea, while I was there a couple years ago. He’s yellow, really soft and I take him with me when I travel.
Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?
“Qui n’avance pas, recule.” It means if one is not moving forward, they are moving backward.
If you could choose one thing for readers to remember after reading your book, what would it be?
The one thing I want readers to remember after reading my book is that we’re all broken in one way or another, but what matters is how we react. We can choose to move forward like Kastian or dwell in our trauma like Lyra.
T.L. Christianson is the author of the new book Court of Flame and Ashes
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