Interview with R.C. Boldt, author of Ditched
04 Apr 2018
What can you tell us about your new release, Ditched?
Ivy Hayes is an entrepreneur who has a gift when it comes to coaching people on how to flawlessly end a relationship. A non-believer in HEAs, she runs DITCHED, a company in which she helps individuals carry out the perfect drama-free breakup.
Becket Jones is the city’s beloved pro-quarterback, but he doesn’t buy into his own hype. Down-to-earth and humble, he holds his family and friends in high regard and, well, he believes in HEAs. Surrounded by loved ones who have found their own happily ever afters, he hopes to discover his own.
Ivy presents quite the challenge, and while Becket has never been one to back down from one, it remains to be seen whether he can convince Ivy to give him a chance…or if he’ll be the one to get ditched.
What’s on your top 5 list for the best books you’ve ever read?
The Scarlet Letter by Nathanial Hawthorne, Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell, Shades of Gray by Maya Banks, Practice Makes Perfect by Julie James, and Beneath This Mask by Meghan March.
Who are your literary heroes working today? Why do you admire them?
I admire Julie James, Maya Banks, and Lauren Layne as they each possess such a unique ability to weave a story that pulls the reader in and elicits a vast array of emotions.
What’s your favorite thing about writing?
My favorite thing about writing is how incredible it is to hear the reaction from readers after they’ve read one of my books and describe how it made them feel or how it provided them a much-needed escape.
What’s on your writing desk?
My planner, earbuds, a black extra fine point sharpie, laptop, current story outline, and my thermos of coffee.
If you had an extra hour each day, how would you spend it?
I’d spend even more time hanging out with my little one and husband, quite honestly. Between crazy school and work schedules, it’s tough to get the three of us together. I’d love to have an extra hour where we could have more quality time and simply enjoy each other’s company.
What scene in Ditched was your favorite to write?
Oh, wow. That’s a tough one. I might have to say it’s a tie between the initial meeting of Becket and Ivy and the Halloween scene. Both still make me snicker when I reread them.
Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?
Live well, laugh often, love much!
R.C. Boldt is the author of the new book Ditched.
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