Interview with Nichole Christoff, author of The Kill Sign
08 Dec 2016
What can you tell us about your new release, The Kill Sign?
In The Kill Sign, the stakes couldn’t be higher for Jamie. She comes to a crossroads, both professionally and personally in this novel. She can see the paths not taken, and now she has to decide what to do about that.
Who or what inspired you to become an author?
One too many times, I caught myself saying, “That hole in the wall of this parking garage would make the perfect place to stash the ransom money in an action-packed thriller.” I was a TV news producer at the time, and while on a break between shows, I began writing a story to fit that hole in the wall.
What fictional literary world would you most like to visit?
I’d want to visit Maureen Johnson’s Great Britain and solve crimes, Shades of London style, just like Rory Deveaux in The Name of the Star.
If you could invent anything, what would it be?
I’d invent a lever you could flip to freeze time. I’d mount it right in the middle of the grandfather clock in my hall. That way, when I’m running late or am short on time and have to get things done, I could flip that switch and have all the time in the world.
What scene in The Kill Sign was your favorite to write?
My favorite scene finds Jamie, and the DEA agent who’d love to be her love interest, tracking a suspect to a shop just outside a fictional military post in the Deep South that features “live lingerie models.” Those shops really do exist near military installations in that neck of the woods, and it was a lot of fun writing straight-laced Jamie as she navigated one.
Do you have a motto, quote or philosophy you live by?
“Slow and steady win the race,” or in other words, just keep at it. That was good advice for Aesop’s Tortoise when he faced the Hare, and it’s great advice these days, too.
Nichole Christoff is the author of the new book The Kill Sign.
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