Interview with Marian McCarthy, Author of Murder and the Bookseller
30 Nov 2023
What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write Murder and the Bookseller?
I’m fascinated by occult bookstores and also by writers in the fantasy genre. I also wanted to explore the presence of the Fae in my fictional small town.
If you had to pick theme songs for the main characters of Murder and the Bookseller, what would they be?
Perrie Spock, psychic mortician: “Spooky Litte Girl Like You”; Reg Woolaroc, Sheriff: “I Fought the Law and the Law Won”
What’s your favorite genre to read? Is it the same as your favorite genre to write?
I like all genres, but ghost stories and paranormal mysteries are my favorites.
What books are on your TBR pile right now?
“A Pipe for February” by Charles Red Corn, about the Osage murders in Oklahoma; “A Life on Fire” by Connie Cronley, a biography of Oklahoma reform activist Kate Barnard.
What scene in your book was your favorite to write?
I liked writing the scene where Sheriff Reg gives Perrie a flower crown for the May Day festivities. It was fun showing the sensitive side of my stalwart sheriff, and having pragmatic Perrie be touched with emotion.
Do you have any quirky writing habits? (lucky mugs, cats on laps, etc.)
I write in sprints with classical music. Also, at times, I smudge my office with a candle to banish all the distractions.
Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?
Carpe diem. Seize the day and all it offers. It’s the name of my self-publishing imprint.
If you could choose one thing for readers to remember after reading your book, what would it be?
Believe in magic, explore the mysteries of the natural world, open your heart to possibilities.
Marian McCarthy is the author of the new book Murder and the Bookseller
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