Interview with L. P. Dover, author of Dangerous Game
18 Nov 2019
What can you tell us about your new release, Dangerous Game?
Well…for starters, Dangerous Game is special. It’s the first book in my Armed & Dangerous/Circle of Justice Crossover series. In all of my books, I like to intertwine the characters from all of my different series’ together. Usually, it’s just a little cameo, but with Dangerous Game, I wanted to go full in. Since my Armed & Dangerous series and my Circle of Justice series features undercover FBI agents, I thought it’d make sense to bring them all together. It was super fun to write. Of course, by the title – Dangerous Game – you can definitely tell there’s going to be something dangerous going on. It’s a sexy, action-packed suspense that’ll keep you on the edge of your seat.
What or who inspired you to become an author?
Growing up, I was always into writing, mainly poetry. I tried writing my first novel when I was ten years old, but it only ended up being about four pages … lol. When I got into college and was able to read books that I enjoyed, I found a love in romantic suspense novels. In a matter of two weeks I think I read every single Tami Hoag book I could get my hands on. It wasn’t until much later when I found other authors I enjoyed reading. Quinn Loftis was one of them. Being the fangirl I was, I found her on Facebook and befriended her. She was so sweet and I was just astounded that she had the time to talk to me. It was because of her that I found the courage to try publishing stories myself. She was so uplifting and supportive. Now she’s one of my good friends and I still fangirl over her.
What’s on your top 5 list for the best books you’ve ever read?
There are so many books I love that I can’t just pick five. How about I do my top 5 best series’? I’d have to go with the Grey Wolves series by Quinn Loftis, the Need series by Carrie Jones, the House of Night series by P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast, the Significance series by Shelly Crane, and The Midnight Breed series by Lara Adrian. Guess you can tell I’m a paranormal fan. 😊
Say you’re the host of a literary talk show. Who would be your first guest? What would you want to ask?
This is such a hard question!! There are so many people I want to meet, especially authors. I’d have to go with Lara Adrian. Why? I love love love her books and I really just want to meet her. I’ve seriously fallen in love with her Midnight Breed series. I’m curious to know where she gets the inspiration for those sexy vampires of hers.
What’s your favorite thing about writing?
My favorite thing about writing is that I can make up my own worlds. I can write whatever I want and feel the emotions. I can live a life through my characters that I can’t do in the real world. Last year, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor and adrenal insufficiency. There are so many things my body can’t do now that it could before. I can experience those things I can’t do through my characters. It makes me happy.
What is a typical day like for you?
First of all, there’s never enough time in the day … lol. I take my youngest to school and then I go home and start the laundry before I sit down at my desk. The first part of the morning is usually catching up on Facebook, networking, answering emails, etc. Then once that’s over, I get to writing. I probably only have about four hours of writing before I have to pick my daughter up from school. Then, once she’s home and doing her homework, I sit down and paint. I want to be like Bob Ross. 😊 Once I have about an hour of painting, I’ll finish up and cook some dinner. I love to cook, especially homemade biscuits. My typical day isn’t that exciting, except in the spring time when I get to watch my oldest daughter’s high school soccer games. Now that’s a good time.
What scene in Dangerous Game was your favorite to write?
I’d have to say the part where Faith figures out Dominic’s secret. I can’t exactly tell you what it is without spoiling the book, but it was a blast being able to write the angsty, tension-filled parts.
Do you have a motto, quote or philosophy you live by?
I’ve always loved the Serenity prayer. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” Do I live by it? I definitely try to.
L. P. Dover is the author of the new book Dangerous Game.
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