Interview with John Daulton, Author of Star Cluster 66
18 Jul 2023
What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write Star Cluster 66?
I think a lot of guys these days, especially older guys, feel picked on and disrespected in the media. Like the pariahs of global history. If anything is bad in society, it’s because of people like “Them.” Any thought of mentioning such feelings is met with, “Now you know what it feels like” type attitudes. So they don’t bring it up. Which is totally in character. These are the types to tough it out or walk it off. They don’t whine and can’t stand whiners. But while they act like they don’t care what society thinks about them, and men like them throughout history, they do care. These are people who work hard, sacrifice for others every single day of their lives, who never meant disrespect to anyone, the first people to jump in and lend a hand. To bear the burden for others. Always have, always will. Regardless of how poorly they are treated in return, by life or by others. That is how they see themselves. Good men with good hearts and good intentions. So I wrote this book for them. It’s an homage to the days before the internet, to the cruise and the time of car culture and physical interactions in actual space. A time when in-person relationships facilitated better understanding of one another, and where the physical realities of human existence were evident and assumed. Plus, I like long books and bawdy humor, and so do a lot of those guys.
If you had to pick theme songs for the main characters of Star Cluster 66, what would they be?
Somewhere between the Mission Impossible theme song and the theme to the Benny Hill show.
What’s your favorite genre to read? Is it the same as your favorite genre to write?
I read all over the place, not just science fiction and fantasy. I love biographies and history books. I love the classics, and every time there’s a reference to some great work of literature I haven’t read, it triggers my OCD and I have to go get that. I read science, anthropology, sociology, and psychology books too. I’ve even been making my way through the One Piece manga series over the last couple of years. All of that factors into science fiction and fantasy in one way or another, so I suppose technically yes, I do read in the same genre I write. Sort of.
What books are on your TBR pile right now?
1. The Name of the Wind, by Patrick Rothfuss. 2. The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde. 3. The Passenger, by Cormac McCarthy. 4. Makers of Rome, by Plutarch. 5. All Systems Red, by Martha Wells.
What scene in your book was your favorite to write?
Anything with the character Kevin in it.
Do you have any quirky writing habits? (lucky mugs, cats on laps, etc.)
I have a paper calendar on the wall that I color in the square on any day I work on a book. I can look across the room and see it at all times. Any stretch of too much whiteness makes me feel like a lazy piece of crap, and I crack the whip on myself to get moving.
Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?
Make a plan. Write it down. Schedule the component pieces. Stick to it. (I can’t imagine any other way to achieve any large goal or project.)
If you could choose one thing for readers to remember after reading your book, what would it be?
That people are good and life is complicated. Take a breath, give people a chance to reveal their hearts to you. Nobody fits the stereotypes. Nobody.
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