Interview with Ivy Davis, Author of Heartless Union (The De Luca Mafia Book 1)
10 Apr 2024
What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write Heartless Union (The De Luca Mafia Book 1)?
I wanted to go back to basics with Heartless Union: write a tried and true arranged marriage mafia romance. I’ve experimented over the years with my mafia romance novels and I just wanted to write something that was a simple love story but still a fun, steamy mafia romance at the same time.
If you had to pick theme songs for the main characters of Heartless Union (The De Luca Mafia Book 1), what would they be?
The theme song I would pick for this book is Shades of Cool by Lana Del Rey. I’m a huge Lana fan so any chance I can take inspiration from her music, I’m going to. Heartless Union deals with Lara, who feels like she can’t change Rocco. He’s heartless and unfixable. Her mind, at the beginning of the book, is like Lana’s song. She feels like there’s nothing she can do to change Rocco. But over the course of the story, things change for her. Rocco begins to soften and open his heart up to her.
What’s your favorite genre to read? Is it the same as your favorite genre to write?
I honestly love to read many different genres but I do love a good thriller/horror novel, which is probably why I love writing mafia romances because it’s a blend of romance and slight thrills. I used to love to read romance but now that I write it, I don’t read it as often, but I still love a good love story.
What books are on your TBR pile right now?
I have a large list of books on my TBR pile but the one on top is The Invisible Hour by Alice Hoffman.
What scene in your book was your favorite to write?
My favorite scene to write in Heartless Union was when the big bad of the book confronts the main couple. It’s a scene where the main female character, Lara shows that she’s willing to sacrifice herself for her new family and it makes the main male character, Rocco, realize that he does, in fact, have strong feelings for her. It’s a wake up call for him. I loved writing it and I loved re-reading it!
Do you have any quirky writing habits? (lucky mugs, cats on laps, etc.)
I honestly don’t have any quirky writing habits. (I feel so boring haha). I do my normal morning routine – workout, shower, eat – and then I start writing. I outline everything so that helps me get right into the zone of writing and once I’m in it, I get absorbed into the world I’m creating and can’t think about anything else.
Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?
The philosophy I live by is: take it one day at a time, one chapter at a time. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by writing a book so taking it each day and one chapter at a time, makes it so much easier. That’s also where outlining helps me out so much. It makes it easier to focus on one chapter at a time.
If you could choose one thing for readers to remember after reading your book, what would it be?
If there was one thing I would want people to remember after reading my book it’s this – don’t close your heart off to love, even if you think you’re not deserving of it. Everyone is deserving of love and sometimes, you have to put aside your pride to find it.
Ivy Davis is the author of the new book Heartless Union (The De Luca Mafia Book 1)
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