Interview with Eve L. Mitchell, Author of Wolf’s Gambit (The Blackridge Peak Series Book 1)
03 Apr 2024
What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write Wolf’s Gambit (The Blackridge Peak Series Book 1)?
For this book, the inspiration came about in a rather unexpected manner. When I reached out to my readers in my newsletter to gauge their preferences for a potential ‘newsletter story,’ I was surprised by their overwhelming interest in shifter romance, despite my usual focus on contemporary romance. Having always harbored a fascination with fantasy and the supernatural, with fantasy being my preferred genre to read, I decided to delve into the world of werewolves, creating an enemies-to-lovers storyline that would (hopefully) engage my readers. As I began sharing chapters of the story in my newsletter, it quickly became apparent to me that the tale was meant for something more substantial than just occasional newsletter installments. I decided to stop sharing in the newsletter and instead write the series. And I won’t lie, my mum has also been demanding a series with werewolves for some time now. So that also played a role in my decision. After all, who am I to say no to my mum?
If you had to pick theme songs for the main characters of Wolf’s Gambit (The Blackridge Peak Series Book 1), what would they be?
Oh that’s a great question. For Kezia, the FMC, I would pick Shinedown’s “Kill Your Conscience” and for Cannon, the alpha, LINKIN PARK’s “One Step Closer.”
What’s your favorite genre to read? Is it the same as your favorite genre to write?
My favorite genre is fantasy and has been since I was young when authors like David Eddings, Terry Pratchett, Terry Goodkind, and Robert Jordan grabbed my imagination with their epic tales and had me completely hooked in their books. Interestingly, when I embarked on my journey as a writer, fantasy was the genre I intended to write from the beginning. However, as fate would have it, my debut novel turned out to be a college romance, with not a supernatural creature or experience in sight! As I’ve grown more experienced, I’ve found that the landscape of the book world has evolved. Knowing that I can now seamlessly blend elements of romance into my own fantasy worlds excites me and I’m eager to explore where my imagination is willing to take me next!
What books are on your TBR pile right now?
I’m a tad odd. I don’t have a TBR. If I want to read a book, I read it. The idea of a list of books waiting for me is pressure I don’t need. So when I have downtime to sit and enjoy a book, I browse the “bookstore” and see what takes my fancy.
What scene in your book was your favorite to write?
This isn’t a spoiler so it’s okay to share…but when Cannon catches up to Kezia. It’s nighttime and he steps out of the shadows and just the way I built the scene, I could feel her shock and nervousness, and his unspoken anger at her as he approaches her and yeah…it was just a scene I could see playing out in my head like a movie scene with the emotions and everything. I remember grinning like an idiot afterward, and honestly, someone will read this, then read that scene and be thinking I’m easily thrilled lol!
Do you have any quirky writing habits? (lucky mugs, cats on laps, etc.)
I have to have music on. I write better with music, and if I am “in the zone” and need to hit a deadline, I have two playlists that get me through the hours every time. Oh, and I don’t work if there’s no coffee. I need my coffee.
Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?
It’s not mine, but I saw it after I started writing and it resonated with me because it was one of the main reasons, I thought “I’m going to write my own book.” It was said by Toni Morrison and it’s, “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”
If you could choose one thing for readers to remember after reading your book, what would it be?
My goal is for readers to finish my book and carry with them the sensation of being completely immersed in an alternate reality. Life can be tough, but losing yourself in a captivating story, even if only for a little while, is truly wonderful. So, if there’s one thing I hope sticks with readers, it’s the reminder to cherish the simple pleasure that can come from picking up a book…and hopefully wanting to read the next one!
Eve L. Mitchell is the author of the new book Wolf’s Gambit (The Blackridge Peak Series Book 1)
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