Interview with Edmond Geanta, Author of Crimson Transcendence
by grant
in Author Interviews, eBook, News, Science Fiction
13 Apr 2021
What can you tell us about your new release, Crimson Transcendence? This is Book 4 of the “Blood Calls for Blood” Series and it follows the struggles of an ordinary family with unique blood traits. When the hero (Gabi Halldor) gets infected, her husband choses to find a cure for her. In book 1 (Zombie Evolution) he does just that, but now, transformed into a telepathic vampire, Gabi and her daughter, Eve are being hunted by the government and other unsavory characters for their blood with hopes to find the immortality formula. “Crimson Transcendence” follows three characters: Gabi’s husband—Reynir Halldor – an Icelandic ex-special forces (big shout to Iceland here – love the country and its people), Jenkins–a former medical doctor and Gabi’s second in command-Silvia who is also a vampire. The three of them travel to Florida in an attempt to save Jenkins’ son, Josh who is now surrounded by hordes of zombies. The book depicts Silvia’s dedication and sacrifice when confronted by a very tough choice – save the man she loves or the one she swore an oath to. What or who inspired you to become an author? Although English is my second language, I’m an avid reader of English literature. I’ve always been fascinated with books written by Ray Bradbury, Richard Matheson and Stephen King but also the classics—Shakespeare, Twain, Steinbeck, etc. The flexibility and richness I found in the English language is so unique to me. I’ve always aspired to be like these authors, so I decided to put my thoughts on paper and share my stories with the world. What’s on your top 5 list for the best books you’ve ever read? I am Legend – Richard Matheson Say you’re the host of a literary talk show. Who would be your first guest? What would you want to ask? If I could turn back time, that would definitely be Edgar Allan Poe. The guy was weird enough to create huge ratings. For a contemporary author I would go with Jeff Carson. Reading about him actually inspired me to start publishing. I thought—“If he did it, why not me?” I would ask Jeff the following: What’s your favorite thing about writing? The editing. Ideas I have plenty and I can write several thousand words each day, but editing is an art. Constantly trying to hone the idea into less words without losing its meaning and intention is a drug to me. I quit watching TV or movies just so I can have more time to write. If a day goes by and I haven’t written something, I feel I wasted that day. Not trying to be cheesy here but, the truth is that writing completes me, although my wife might have different thoughts on that topic… What is a typical day like for you? I don’t sleep much, probably because I consume insane amounts of coffee and chocolate. Also, because I have a full-time job and a part time one as well – teaching management and leadership at a local college. The day starts with reviewing what I wrote the day before while I’m having my three cups of coffee. Then, I talk to my wife for a bit, who is doing all the social media, promotion, ads on Facebook, etc. We go over the stats, changing ads, descriptions, etc. Without her I would probably be miserable and unpublished. Then I start my full-time job – I’m a Technology Program Manager, working remote for a company out east. During my lunch break I write and then, after dinner, the real writing starts until past midnight. I go to bed thinking about my characters and what would they logically do next. Whatever crazy idea comes to mind, I write it down and then I struggle for days to get the characters out of the problem I just created for them. Interestingly enough, some days I wake up after dreaming the solution of the problem I just created for my characters. I love to shock my audience with twists in the plot that make sense and could very well happen. In a way, I create problems for myself, not my characters and I never take the easy way out, as in an UFO dropped by and gave the hostages a ride out of the conundrum, they found themselves in, etc. During the day I also respond to messages from my fans (emails, Facebook messages, IG, etc.). I think it’s important for and respectful to those who read my books, so I always dedicate time to that. What scene from Crimson Transcendence was your favorite to write? One that I’m afraid to share with you because it would give away the book. Let’s just say, my wife cried while I was reading her that part and my editor admonished me for writing that piece. It seems both, my wife and my editor had grown fond of one of the characters and the final chapter was not something they expected. In the end they loved it. That’s why I’ll defer to my second favorite piece which is the banter and often life philosophies shared between Rey and Jenkins during their trip to Florida to save Josh. The scenes consist of questions I often ask myself. By writing them, I actually provide my own answers. In a way, I’m dialoguing with myself. It’s fun…in a weird kinda way. Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by? Several:
The Republic – Plato
Misery- Stephen King
Home Deus – Yuval Noah Harari
Brunner – C. L. Werner
1. What are the things you’d do different when you wrote and published your first book?
2. How much time do you dedicate to social media promotion and on what platforms specifically?
3. What would be his advice to Jeff Carson from ten years ago?
4. Would you consider crossing genres and write something totally different than what you’ve been writing so far?
1. Don’t tell me what to do. Nobody died and made you king.
2. Live and let live.
3. If there’s no love then there’s nothing.
4. Without darkness you’ll never appreciate the light
5. Every man dies, not every man lives.
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