Interview with CC Bolick, author of Fear Justice
06 May 2019
What can you tell us about your new release, Fear Justice?
It’s the story of fearless Rena Mason. This seventeen-year-old wants nothing more than to finish her senior year and land a scholarship to escape her dad’s drinking. After her dad is kidnapped by terrorists, she’s shocked to learn he has a history as a government agent. On the run from these terrorists, Rena is saved by an undercover agent who claims he’s on a mission to protect her. If only she knew his real mission is to unlock her power…
What or who inspired you to become an author?
I’ve always dreamed up stories in my head, even back in my teens. In my late twenties, after a stressful year working as an electrical engineer, I found that writing the stories down significantly lowered my stress. For the next ten years, I wrote machine programs by day and young adult stories by night, with a mixture of sci-fi, paranormal, fantasy, and romance.
What’s on your top 5 list for the best books you’ve ever read?
That’s a tough one. The authors I feel shaped my love of stories the most are the ones I read as a teen like Stephen King and Jane Austen. I loved The Outsiders and everything I read by Christopher Pike.
Say you’re the host of a literary talk show. Who would be your first guest? What would you want to ask?
Okay, there are limits to my imagination. I’m an introvert who’d freeze up in two seconds. The only people I’m comfortable interviewing are in my head.
What’s your favorite thing about writing?
My greatest joy is bringing the characters to life as I see them. When I write, I spend most of my time on the dialogue and interactions between characters because that’s what makes me feel the greatest thrill. I want to know who they are and why they’re in my head. I feel every scene should justify itself to keep the pages turning.
What is a typical day like for you?
It’s a balancing act with kids and a full-time job. I never know when I’ll have time to write – sometimes it’s an hour in the morning before the kids get up, or maybe the hour for my lunch break. I can’t make a schedule, but I can plot out the stories in my head throughout the day. Some nights, like tonight, I’m hammering on my keyboard at 11:21 while enjoying a stiff drink. Living the dream, right?
What scene in Fear Justice was your favorite to write?
The last scene because it was the first I pictured between tough girl Rena and the young agent who’s willing to do whatever it takes to protect the people he considers family.
Do you have a motto, quote or philosophy you live by?
If it weren’t for the bad times, the good times wouldn’t look so good.
CC Bolick is the author of the new book Fear Justice (The Fear Chronicles Book 1)
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Kelsey Worsham
Kelsey is a content specialist at Written Word Media. When she isn't reading new eBooks, she loves traveling, trying out restaurants with her husband, and going on long walks with her dog.
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