Interview with AJ Foster, Author of The Path
10 Nov 2020
What can you tell us about your new release, The Path?
The Path is my first published fantasy novel. I have also been a lover of sci-fi and fantasy, and a year ago when my son was born I took a month off to be with him and my wife. While it was a fun and exhausting time, I also had more free time then I was used to so I started to write.
The Path has lots of magic and fighting in it, since that’s what I enjoy reading. It also has elements of Progression Fantasy, where the character is constantly seeking to grow in power and strength to overcome obstacles.
It follows a few main characters. A young man named Sheadon, who awakens with no memories or idea of who he is. Nhara, a woman who is part of the Daughters of Stone, as she is setting out on her mission. And finally a pair of Chroniclers, Astrid and Landon, as they set out in search of a magical artifact that’s as recently discovered.
What or who inspired you to become an author?
I think all the great books I have read in my life inspired me. I remember in junior high I would sneak away to the library to read books instead of going out too play. I loved reading anything fantasy I could get my hands on, and the new worlds I got to visit and explore.
It was around that time I discovered the Young Writers Society online. A simple website where people wrote together and posted short stories. I joined and wrote for years, enjoying the challenge and adventure of it.
What’s on your top 5 list for the best books you’ve ever read?
That is hard… could it be a series?
I love the Cradle Series by Will Wight. He is a self published author and a genius, he also has a few other series that a great reads. Lots of fighting and marital arts, its a great fun read every time.
Kingkiller Chronicle, especially Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. It’s still a book I love to go back and read, always been a favorite for me.
I don’t know how I can’t also say Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archive, sheer brilliance.
For a good laugh I love the Dresden Files. A new one just came out recently which I have yet to read, but I always love a Harry Dresden novel.
Finally, I have to give a shoutout to Lord of the Rings. Read it a bunch when I was young, and for sure was an inspiration to me.
Say you’re the host of a literary talk show. Who would be your first guest? What would you want to ask?
Will Wight hands down. Love his writing, and I wouldn’t want to ask him one thing, but a dozen. About how he creates his worlds and magic systems and designs his characters.
Plus the dude cracks me up and I bet he would be hilarious to talk to. I’d honestly probably just ask him out on a man date so we could grab a cup of of coffee or pint of beer and just talk. Forget the talk show, I want some one on one time.
What’s your favorite thing about writing?
My favorite thing about writing is probably the creative outlet it gives. Its a way for me to express new ideas or things I am feeling, and I enjoy getting it out on paper. I also love being able to create new worlds and put some ideas out on paper.
I also live in Oregon, and happen to love the rain and a cool day. So being able to sit in a chair with a hot cup of coffee and the window cracked to listen to the sounds of the rain outside as I write is my happy place.
What is a typical day like for you?
Well… it ain’t that exciting. I work full time still, have a one year old, 2 dogs, and a wife who is a year and a half away from getting her PhD. So maybe you can imagine it is hectic and busy. We get up bright and early with the baby, try to keep him entertained and happy, which is no small feat. He is amazing, but getting fast which can be exhausting.
If I’m working, then I’m at my 9-5, probably dropping off the kiddo at the babysitters on my way. I’m the main cook in the house, so I might pick up the kiddo on the way home and make dinner while my wonderful wife works tirelessly on homework and research.
Then when the little guy goes to bed I usually get some time to write. We are super busy people, but I love our life!
What scene from The Path was your favorite to write?
Can I say two? Well I’m gonna hahaha.
The whole idea of the internal world when Sheadon is learning about weaving. Loved being able to write that scene and I look forward to doing more with it. There is a lot more I could do when it comes to a persons view of themselves and their internal reality, will see how it evolves as I go.
And the final battle scene. I love magic and fighting so the book is heavy in that. After all they always say write what you like.
Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?
I’m a Christian, so I model my life after Jesus. Which is easy, you Love people, first and foremost. So I guess that would be my philosophy, doing my best to love and be respectful of everyone I meet.
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