
The Story Behind Unexpected Love by Kimberly Readnour

By Kimberly Readnour

After a long hiatus, Unexpected Love, the second installment to Unforeseen Destiny Series, is finally released! A nerdy hero and sassy heroine come together in this opposites attract romance. Although it’s part of a series, it can be read as a standalone.

I would love to say this one was fun and simple to write, BUT THAT’S NOT THE CASE. Honestly, I didn’t think Staci’s story was going to get told. After writing the first book in the series, I started on Staci’s adventure. I was excited! Thrilled. My fingers flew across the keyboard at record speed. Chapter one wrote itself. Then, before I knew it, the fourth chapter was in the books. Boom! I thought I’d have this manuscript wrapped up in record time. This was back in 2016, ya’ll.

So, what happened?

Well, Staci quit talking to me. I was getting nothing. Nada. Kamp, a character from the first book decided to have his own story. Then, those bad boys from my Bad Boys Redemption series screamed at me. They wanted their story told first.

I kept opening the manuscript and staring at it. Nothing I did would help. It wasn’t until writing the last book in my sports series that Staci came out of her shell and started talking again. She’s sassy and determined. Why she went into hiding is beyond me, but I’m glad things worked out the way they did.

Because I freaking love this story.

It’s a bit deeper than my others. There are moments that will make you laugh-out-loud, cringe, swoon, and leave you heartbroken. Staci endures a lot to get to her end goal, but her journey is so worth it.

Staci and Kyle’s love really is unexpected. I’m so excited to share this with you all!

Kimberly Readnour is the author of the new book Unexpected Love

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