
The Story Behind Taking Summer by Emily Bishop

By Emily Bishop

What it’s about:

Taking Summer is my attempt at creating a summer read which is as hot as the hottest summer days! It’s about two characters who really couldn’t be more different:

A vegan reporter, Summer, set on discovering the truth about the ranchers in small town Dripping Springs, Texas. She’s sassy, yet sweet, and set on doing the right thing. Obviously, she won’t let anything distract her from her professional goal… right?

A hot-as-hades rancher, James, who is totally allergic to anyone from the media, and is closed-off, a mystery, and enigma to be unwrapped. Or, ahem, undressed.

The two collide when Summer chooses his ranch as the source for her investigation.

These two can’t stop fighting or… you know, touching. Throw in a jealous ex who’s come back to town to reveal all of James’ darkest secrets and you’ve got a recipe for disaster and deliciousness.

My Favorite Scene:

Oh wow, I think my favorite scene to write was James’ and Summer’s initial encounter when she arrives at his ranch. She almost runs into his cows (her worst nightmare and his) and there interaction is just so freaking hot, my fingers were burning writing it!

My Favorite Character

Hands down, James. He’s strong and he’s carrying his burden all by himself. He doesn’t want to open up to anyone, but Summer’s lightness and innocence, her quest for truth, just unlocks that side of him and from there, it’s history. Literally.

I particularly loved writing up James’ history. It’s so tragic, but at the same time kind of funny. I hope it gives everyone a few giggles when it’s eventually revealed what happened to him in the past which made him ‘oh so jaded.’

Hottest Secret:

Now, I’m not going to give the game away, but I will say that there was a… surprise at the end. 😉

Emily Bishop is the author of the new book Taking Summer

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