
The 2015 Pulitzer Prize Winner for Fiction

A National Book Award finalist, and now Pulitzer Prize winner, All the Light We Cannot See is an eloquent journey through the devastated vistas of World War II Germany and France. The multi award winning author Anthony Doerr has yet again woven powerful metaphor with starkly accurate physical detail into a story that, while set in a war, reflects poignantly on human existence.

Marie-Laure is the blind daughter of the master of locks at Paris’s Museum of Natural History. When the Nazis occupy Paris, her and her father flee to the sea side citadel of Saint –Malo to stay with her great uncle, baring with them the museum’s most valuable jewel.

Werner is a German orphan. Blessed with advanced electrical and engineering ability since a young age, he is picked up by the aggressive Hitler Youth program, and sent into France to use his radio building aptitude to flush out the resistance. As he becomes ever more aware of the human cost of his proficiency, he is troubled by the world he lives in.

When the Nazis reach Saint- Malo, his path converges with Marie-Laurie and their personal methods of survival are brought to light.

Check out the other nominations for the 2015 Pulitzer Prize. 

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