
Interview with Sheila Roberts, author of Christmas in Icicle Falls

What can you tell us about your new release, Christmas in Icicle Falls?

I’m very excited about this new book. It wraps up my “Life in Icicle Falls” series and brings us back full circle to spend time with a character whom we met in the first book and have seen throughout, Muriel Sterling, the town’s famous non-fiction author. Of course, we have another favorite in there, Olivia Claussen, and also a newcomer to town.

I love the message behind the story, prompted by the Christmas tree Muriel buys online, which turns out to be scrawny, ugly even. But Muriel resolves to make the poor thing beautiful.  The lesson we learn: that we can find something good in everyone if we just try hard enough. By the way, we’ll be celebrating ugly trees starting December 1. Be sure to stop by my Facebook page and post a picture of your tree. I can guarantee there’ll be a prize or two involved!

What or who inspired you to become an author?

You know, people ask me that, and I have to say, I can’t think of anyone or anything. I’ve always written, ever since I was a child. I think it’s something God put in me, something hard-wired into my DNA. I love to tell stories.

Which books would we be surprised to find on your shelves?

Books by Donald E. Westlake. I love crooks and con artists. (Not in real life, of course!)

Who is your favorite couple from literature?

Well, who doesn’t love Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy? They’re right up there at the top of the list. But I think Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’Hara are my favs. A complex, fascinating pair.

What’s your favorite thing about writing?

Being in charge! 🙂

If you had to pick one place to vacation for the rest of your life, where would you choose?

The beach. I never get tired of watching the waves come in, and I love to walk on the beach.

What scene in Christmas in Icicle Falls was your favorite to write?

I love to write dream scenes! Not sure why—maybe it’s because I can go over the top and write any crazy scene I like. In Christmas in Icicle Falls I had so much fun writing the scene where Muriel Sterling dreams about her rival. I won’t tell you all the details, but suffice it to say that you’ll never think of holiday cruises and nutcrackers in the same way.

Do you have a motto, quote or philosophy you live by?

Proverbs 3:6 is my life verse:

 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

And my motto is God first, others second, me last. I don’t always hit the mark on that but I try.

Sheila Roberts is the author of the new book Christmas in Icicle Falls

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