
Interview with Sharon Roat, author of Between the Notes

Tell us a little bit about your new release, Between the Notes.

BETWEEN THE NOTES is the story of a musician named Ivy whose family loses their house due to financial hardship caused in part by the cost of therapy for her mentally disabled little brother. They move from their large, affluent neighborhood to a small apartment on “the wrong side of the tracks.” Ivy must give up her beloved piano and adjust to her new circumstances, but she resists the change and lies to her friends to avoid embarrassment. Throw in a cute new boy at school with secrets of his own, and a frustrating new boy next door who threatens to ruin everything! Ivy must figure out who she really is, and what’s important, to find her way home.

What advice would you give your teenage self?

The popular boys in high school will not be that interesting in a few years. Pay more attention to the smart ones, the creative ones, the kind ones, the odd ones. Also, don’t let your mother pick out your clothes. That tan velour sweater is really hideous.

Do you listen to anything while you write? If so, what’s your audio of choice?

I usually write in total silence. Sometimes, when I must write somewhere other than the quiet of my home, I will listen to a white noise soundtrack of stormy rain.

What are you currently craving?

Right at this moment? I could go for a cheeseburger. I have a large vegetable garden and our summer meals are mostly veggies, but every now and then I crave a juicy burger.

What’s your favorite scene from your book?

I can’t tell you! It would be too spoilery. I will say that it is near the very end, and there is kissing involved. You’ll have to read it to find out.

If you had an extra hour each day, how would you spend it?

Reading! I have a huge TBR pile and it grows daily, but I never have as much time as I’d like to read.

What is the one movie that you can quote the most?

I’ve never been good at remembering quotes from movies, but the one that comes to mind right now is from Napoleon Dynamite. I watched it recently with my 15-year-old son and now, whenever I ask him to do anything he does not want to do, he says, “Gawd!” in that Napoleon Dynamite way. Now the whole family is doing it so we all walk around “Gawd”-ing each other.

What or who inspired you to become an author?

I worked in public relations for more than 20 years, and wanted to try something different. I was handling publicity for the Delaware Book Festival at the time, and meeting lots of authors. Though I’d written in non-fiction formats (magazine articles, press releases, etc.) for many years, the writing of a novel seemed like it would require some sort of magical powers. And I had never even taken a creative writing class. One of the authors at the book festival was Mary Kennedy, who is multi-published in middle grade, YA and adult mystery. I mentioned to her that I wished I could write a novel. She said, “Why don’t you?” Her own background had been in marketing before she pursued writing, and it was then that I first realized it might be possible. She encouraged me to write what I liked to read, and as I was re-reading one of the Harry Potter novels at the time, I decided to try YA.

Do you have a favorite local bookstore we can give a shoutout to?

My local bookstore is the Hockessin Book Shelf, which is less than a mile from my house. They hosted my book launch on June 16, and were absolutely wonderful. I stop by the store often, order all of my new books from them, and also shop their used books!

Do you have a motto, quote or philosophy you live by?

I don’t have a motto, per say. But I believe in kindness and hard work. Also naps.

Sharon Roat is the author of the new book Between the Notes.

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