
Interview with Sandi Lynn, author of One Night In Paris

What can you tell us about your new release One Night In Paris?

One Night In Paris is a beautiful romantic story that began with a one night stand between two strangers in Paris and then by the hand of fate were reunited in New York. The chemistry between Anna and Wes is off the charts, but they face a lot of challenges. Both Anna and Wes have major trust issues which plays a key role in their relationship. Overall, it’s a fun, sexy and romantic read.

What or who inspired you to become an author?

I’ve always written stories and poems ever since I was a child. I had won several young author awards in school as well as awards for my poetry. The one person who inspired me was an English professor of mine back in college. I had written a story as a class assignment and when he handed it back to me he asked me if I had ever thought of becoming a published author. So, a few years later, I decided to write and publish my first book, Forever Black.

What’s on your top 5 list for the best books you’ve ever read?

The Notebook, Fifty Shades of Grey, Fall From Grace, Saving Grace and Gabriel’s Inferno.

Say you’re the host of a literary talk show. Who would be your first guest? What would you want to ask?

My first guest would be Nicholas Sparks. I love his work and the first thing I’d ask him is where he gets his inspiration from for his novels.

What’s your favorite thing about writing?

My favorite thing about writing is being able to write a story that will whisk readers away into another world and from the daily grind of life – one book at a time.

What is a typical day like for you?

A typical day for me starts in the gym every single morning. I work out, run some errands, and then come home and get to writing and managing my business and my brand.

What scene in One Night In Paris was your favorite to write?

My favorite scene to write in One Night In Paris was the very beginning where Anna is walking down the aisle with her father, takes one look at her fiancé, turns around and runs away as fast as she could. I loved writing her strength to do what she needed to take control of her own life and stop doing what was expected of her.

Do you have a motto, quote or philosophy you live by?

“The greatest gifts in life are on the other side of fear.” I stick by that because I think fear is what holds people back from achieving their dreams.

Sandi Lynn is the author of the new book One Night In Paris

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