
Interview with Mya O’Malley, author of Lillie

What can you tell us about your new release, Lillie?

Lillie is the final novel in my Maggie ghost mystery trilogy, which includes Maggie, Naomi, and Lillie.   These books are among my all time favorites that I’ve written.  Each of the novels brings the main character, Naomi, closer to finding her destiny. I’ve enjoyed following Naomi on her journey to solving crimes and putting lost souls to rest. Along with many complex ghosts and mystery, these books hold just enough romance to add to the unfolding plot and to keep things interesting.

In the novel Lillie, the stakes are at all time high for Naomi as she finds herself head to head with the most challenging opponent of all– the ghost of a bitter child dating back over a century. In this last book, Naomi must fight for her life, her family, and ultimately, her marriage.  This one brought me to tears as I wrote the ending that the series deserved–bittersweet, yet perfect.

Which book from your childhood or teenage years has stuck with you as an adult?

S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders has definitely left an impact on me. It’s one of my favorite books and movies from my childhood. The theme of the book is a strong one–class conflict is destructive and harmful for individuals and for society.

What fictional literary world would you most like to visit?

There are endless literary worlds I would like to visit and many characters I would love to encounter in these magical worlds. What comes to mind right now are two novels that I recently read to my fourth grade students. (I’m a full-time special education teacher) Kate DiCamillo’s books, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane and The Magician’s Elephant both hold magical settings and characters so vivid and intriguing that you feel as if you are right beside them.  The best thing about reading these novels was sharing them with my students.

What’s on your writing desk?

I just started writing a contemporary romance novel with one of the supporting characters in the Maggie series. In this book, titled Matching Miriam, officer Miriam Marty gets a shot at a romance of her own. Miriam was an intriguing character for me to write because she’s got such a rugged exterior, but she’s a big mush inside. If you’ve read the Maggie novels, you know that Miriam is a tough as nails police officer who’s had her fair share of heartache. I’m excited to see where this book takes me as a writer.

How do you like to spend a rainy day?

I like to spend rainy days either writing or curled up with a good book.  Oh, and I can’t forget to mention watching Hallmark or Lifetime movies–I’m a sucker for both.

Where is your happy place? Why does it bring you joy?

Oh, that one’s easy. Cape May, N.J. Besides being a beautiful spot to visit, I love this place because I have so many wonderful memories of taking family vacations at my grandparents’ house. From the time I was a small child, my grandmother and I would take endless walks on the beach collecting shells and just talking. Every time I go back to visit I feel a sense of peace and happiness.

What scene in Lillie was your favorite to write?

Without giving away the story, my favorite part of the story was the bittersweet scene near the end when Lillie and Naomi both get the closure they need. Many of the trilogy’s supporting characters come together to show their support for Lillie and Naomi, something that I loved writing.

I can’t forget the very last paragraph, either–it wraps everything up perfectly, with humor and promise of mischief.

Mya O’Malley is the author of the new book Lillie

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