
Interview with Laura Akers, Author of Dior or Die

What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write Dior or Die?

A person I convicted as a prosecutor made death threats against me and was being released from prison. I lived in an expensive zip code and would be dressed up at some event in designer duds and get calls from the CIA trainer I worked with. The two disparate worlds made me laugh, so I wanted to mix them up in a book.

If you had to pick theme songs for the main characters of Dior or Die, what would they be?

Davia Glenn: “Looks That Kill” – Shivaree James Warden: ” I’m a Man” Black Strobe Adair Monroe: “Adore You” Harry Styles ”

What’s your favorite genre to read? Is it the same as your favorite genre to write?

I read broadly, both fiction and non-fiction, so it’s difficult to narrow down.

What books are on your TBR pile right now?

The Law of Innocence by Michael Connelly, A Better Man by Louise Penny, Grant by Ron Chernow, Kingdom of Shadow and Light by Karen Marie, Moning Mermaid Confidential by Tim Dorsey, and The Tubman Command by Elizabeth Cobbs.

What scene in your book was your favorite to write?

The car chase while listening to James Bond music.

Do you have any quirky writing habits? (lucky mugs, cats on laps, etc.)

I listen to music when I write. Lately it’s Korean music as I’m a K-drama fan. Since I don’t speak Korean, I don’t focus on the lyrics and it keeps me writing.

Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?

Do what you can, whenever you can, wherever you are.

If you could choose one thing for readers to remember after reading your book, what would it be?

Stay alert, stay alive.


Laura Akers is the author of the new book Dior or Die

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