
Interview with John Garrett, Author of The Life-Taker

What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write The Life-Taker?

I wrote the kind of story that I wanted to read. Basically, I wanted something where the main character (Kurzhon) was not too conflicted or remorseful. It just had to be more fun than drama.  

If you woke up in the world of The Life-Taker, what is the first thing you would do?

The first thing I would do is make sure I was nowhere in the vicinity of The Life-Taker, himself!

If you had to write a blurb for the last book you read, what would it say?

“The most ruthless industry in the world isn’t in Hollywood, or Oil, or Wall Street, it’s in Video Games.

These are the stories of the biggest video game failures, and what happens to the people who make them.”

~from ‘Press Reset’, by Jason Schreier

Where did you write The Life-Taker?

I wrote this entirely at my apartment stronghold in beautiful southeastern Wisconsin.

Pretend you qualified for the Olympics this year. What sport would you compete in?

I would say Power Walking, but honestly I’m too lazy even for that. I’ll go with 100 meter Leisure Walking. That sounds doable.

John Garrett is the author of the new book The Life-Taker

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