
Interview with Adriana Locke, author of Craft

What can you tell us about your new release, Craft?

Craft is a fun, steamy small-town romance. Lance and Mariah aren’t enemies, but not quite friends. Their banter and chemistry is one of the things most often quoted by readers as their favorite things in the book. It’s technically book two in the Gibson Boys series, but can absolutely be read as a standalone novel.

What’s the last book you read?

I just finished Oprah’s The Wisdom of Sundays. Books like that center me, bring me back to what’s important in life. I adored the bits of knowledge and inspiration between the covers of that book.

Who is your favorite couple from literature?

My favorite couple from literature would Rhett and Scarlett from Gone with the Wind. Such a classic, romantic story that has so many one-liners it’s impossible not to think of it often and with such fondness. I also love how, at the end, you’re not quite sure what happens with them. It gives the reader a chance to come up with their own idea of how the couple rides off into the sunset. Or not. Although, I have to say I kind of want to say Katniss and Gale! Ha!

Say you’re the host of a literary talk show. Who would be your first guest? What would you want to ask?

I’ve always dreamed of having a talk show. It’s one of those things that I’ve wanted to do since I was a little girl, so this is a fun question! Let’s see … Shakespeare. I’d love to know how he feels about modern interpretation of his writing. Is it over-analyzed, in his opinion? How much of it was purely for entertainment and how much of it had deeper meaning on purpose?

What’s on your writing desk?

What’s on my desk depends on what part of the writing process I’m in. Right now, as I’m starting something brand new, there’s my computer, a bunch of Sharpies, a couple of yellow legal pads, a highlighter, and a fountain Coke.

When would you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be so many different things. An author, an attorney, a painter, a talk show host, a dietician—you name it and I wanted to be it at one point or the other.

What scene in Craft was your favorite to write?

Any time Lance and Mariah were together, it was fun. These two quibble back and forth like it’s nobody’s business (and Lance’s innuendos were so entertaining to write). A scene, though? My favorite scene is probably Lance in Crave, his brother’s bar. All the Gibson boys are there and I get the warm and fuzzies when that happens.

Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?

“Love many, trust few, and always paddle your own canoe.” – I live by this.

Adriana Locke is the author of the new book Craft

Connect with Adriana:
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