
5 Sumptuous Things About Mafia Romance, with Rachel Van Dyken

Where do you get your inspiration for your Mafia Bad Boy characters? .

The Godfather. I mean it’s probably one of the best movies in history, I take a lot of inspiration from the way they dress, talk, etc.

Which mafia do you think has the sexist mafia men? Russian? Italian?

Haha! Horrible question! I’m always going to say Italian because of the clothes. Always.

How do you balance the dark and the violent with the romance in Rip?

It was pretty difficult, I actually put this book down a few times and then came back to it. Normally I write books straight through, but because of the subject matter of this one, I did more research, came back to it and then tried to make sure it wasn’t too dark by adding in some humor and a few much needed italian characters.

What is it that makes Bad Boys so deliciously appealing?

I think theres something really forbidden about wanting someone you know who’s bad for you, it’s dark, dangerous, and a total adrenaline rush.

Give us some back story on the subtext “The doctor will see you now…” on Rip’s cover?

Haha, he’s a world renown doctor so it made sense to use that tagline, but he’s also very dangerous and has secrets people won’t see coming….so in my mind the doctor will see you now, isn’t necessarily a good thing!

Rachel Van Dyken is the author of the new book Rip.

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